L-Carnitine and Kidney Failure) o3 X' k( A& M* {
* v2 V& h' g1 a' y2013-05-05 11:03# T* @5 x8 z$ x3 A* P% T+ B$ A
L-carnitine plays an important role that can help our body turn fat into energy. It is also commonly known as carnitine and is usually produced in the liver and kidneys. In some cases of kidney failure, l-carnitine will be prescribed to help them recovery. It is helpful, but it also can cause many side effects if used improperly. Therefore, it is necessary for kidney failure patients to learn more about l-carnitine.; d" s! M8 R: z% |0 I- \% T4 L P% r
' y# |' N9 Q; h7 BHow is L-carnitine associated with kidney failure?$ W q0 q( a9 o
7 ]+ ? e; ?- T R
L-carnitine is a quaternary ammonium compound biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. Kidneys make carnitine and in cases of kidney failure, kidneys have been damaged seriously and in such a case, no enough L-carnitine will be produced. Low levels of carnitine in the body will cause lots of symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, chest pain and heart arrhythmia. Therefore. It is necessary for kidney failure patients to replenish necessary L-carnitine.
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Foods to eat for kidney failure patients with low L-carnitine in body- R* O) u$ J$ v I) R
: p& G( {% g F4 d- hIn our daily life, we can get L-carnitine from foods like avocados, dairy products, red meat, fruits, vegetables and fermented soybean products like tempeh. However, for kidney failure patients, they need to pay extra attention to the foods they eat, as they can not eat as freely as before due to the low kidney function. With different illness condition, kidney failure patients need to make different dietary changes. Therefore, it is necessary for kidney failure patients to consult their doctors for the food lists that contain L-carnitine and meanwhile cause no harms on their illness condition.+ R0 C% T( J/ R. ~5 U: a
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Possible side effects of L-carnitine
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' `8 \* n0 e+ ^& f/ `. D/ F. W% bImproper usage of L-carnitine will cause many side effects. The followings are the common side effects of L-carnitine. For kidney failure patients who are taking L-carnitine, if they found they have some of the following side effects, they can think if they occurs because of L-carnitine.8 Q& S: R- \, A( e& ?# j) G5 q
q) v* d4 g. V0 ^4 I/ s1. Difficulty in falling asleep
- b: Q- R1 j3 _ _# c& v& ^. l5 |9 x% o E7 G: `4 \
2. Diarrhea
3 @9 x; r5 Y; k! Y
9 a+ k* Z% S; e4 |) K3. Noticeable increase of appetite
5 A4 `$ n/ h: t9 P0 D Y; C- s6 ~+ L" N, Q) U0 ~6 L
4. Vomiting, nausea and dizziness8 |$ | g5 [ Z% ^) U4 U
+ p V8 @0 c$ Y: k7 X l
5. Skin rash0 E1 D8 C$ R2 h" R; E
8 w$ n' U8 ~1 g$ Z6. Agitation
% ? y4 D' r1 Z# z+ n, ?& ^4 b4 _+ V \- K, A$ t/ r
L-carnitine may interact with other medications for kidney failure, therefore, please take L-carnitine under the direction of doctors. |